Stan was born in Poland, where he was trained as a naval engineer at the Gdynia Naval Academy.
His heart has always been with the arts though, and this is where it stayed.
Stan is an avid traveler, who's journey has taken him to over 40 countries. He lived in Japan for 8 years, where he continued to practice Kyokushin Karate and took on studying sumie - traditional Japanese brush painting, in which he advanced,
eventually teaching and exhibiting.
Stan has done work in a wide variety of media and techniques - from mixed media paintings to large murals done in brush and airbrush, traditional Japanese arts and digital imaging.
He is also a self-taught web master and designer, and this web site was also designed by him.
After Japan, Stan returned to Canada, but soon found himself back on the road. This time traveling more extensively, his focus shifted to photography.
Recently, Stan has just returned from a 2 year trip through Mexico, Central and South America - all the way by bus and boat from Vancouver in Canada to
Chile and back!
This is what Stan has to say about his photography:
'If I was going to describe my photography style, I would say it is like 'catch and release'.
A type of journalistic approach, perhaps, described in the past as gonzo journalism. I don't set up a stage for a shoot - I rather wait for an opportunity.
If there would be any way for me to participate in the event, it would be just going with the flow.
I like catching in my camera lens an event that happens naturally, spontaneously, sometimes lasting just a split second. I like to photograph what's between the lines, what falls in the cracks.
And I prefer to do it without the subject even knowing I am there.
I capture the moment and let it go. Some of my best photographs have been taken from a running bus or by chance, while walking.
Of course, photographing buildings is a bit different - they usually don't run away!
But they do too change, and disappear. Like many other things in our lives. There is really not that much time left to waste...'
Besides his love for travel, Stan is also an avid diver, planning to expand his photography ventures to underwater photography. Stan also loves antiques, especially Asian. In the past he has been keeping and breeding a vast variety of reptiles, and maintains a number of biology educational web sites about turtles and snakes.
Stan also loves great cuisine and cooking, motorcycles and martial arts.
I hope you will enjoy this short trip into Stan's photography. Please don't hesitate to contact Stan with questions.
Stan is also available for photography and image editing assignments. Stan is now based in British Columbia, Canada, but always happy and willing to travel.

News 2010
News 2009